Dhanurasana (Bow Pose) Tutorial

Vinyasa Yoga SchoolUpdated over a week ago•1 minute read This is a great video from Jeanne Heileman on how to help your student practice a pain-free dhanurasana or bow pose.

Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend) Tutorial

Vinyasa Yoga SchoolUpdated over a week ago•2 minute read Uttanasana (OOT-tan-AHS-anna) ut = intense or deliberate tana = stretch asana = pose Uttanasana is a wonderful stretch for those dealing with anxiety or depression. With the head below the heart, the spinal nerves and brain cells are rejuvenated as heartbeat slows. Begin standing in Tadasana with your […]

Soham Meditation

Vinyasa Yoga SchoolUpdated over a week ago•1 minute read With all of the daily stresses that we often feel, a back-pocket meditation technique like the Soham meditation can be a very useful and powerful tool to both quiet your mind and relax your body. The great part: all you need is your breath! First, sitting in a comfortable position, […]

Introduction to Chakras

Vinyasa Yoga SchoolUpdated over a week ago•4 minute read The Tantrik yogis understood that in order to experience a different life—one that feels more stable, more sublime, and more connected to others—we have to effect change from within. And one of the key ways to alter the inner reality is working with the chakras, the […]

Two Mountains: Tadasana versus Samasthiti

Vinyasa Yoga SchoolUpdated over a week ago•1 minute read So what is the difference between Tadasana and Samasthiti? In its simpilist terms Tadasana is a pose while Samasthiti is a command of attention. Looking at the roots it becomes quite clear. Tadasana (tada = mountain / asana = pose) translates to Mountain Pose, while Samasthiti (sama = […]