Vinyasa Yoga School
By definition “mudra” (or as we know them – hand positions) is a Sanskrit term meaning seal. As our hands are sites of sensory reception, they have a deep connection with the brain – thus the way we hold our hands can influence the way we hold our mind. In general, the mudra you pick will depend on how you want to direct the flow of energy in your body, and of course, what feels comfortable to you! We’ll review three of the most commonly used meditation mudras. Try them all out and see if you notice a difference in how you feel.

1. Jnana Mudra

Jnana Mudra (the wisdom seal) is done by touching the tips of the thumb and the index together, forming a circle, with the hands placed on the knees in seated meditation with the palms facing up. Notice, can you feel the sense of insight with your palms facing upward? This mudra is supposed to give a feeling of spaciousness and have a subtle uplifting effect on the body and mind.

2. Chin Mudra


Chin Mudra (the consciousness seal) is done in a similar fashion as Jnana Mudra with the tips of the thumb and the index together, forming a circle, however hands are placed on the knees in seated meditation with palms facing down. Notice, can you feel the sense of grounding with your palms facing downward? This mudra stimulates the root chakra through the downward energy connecting us with the earth.

3. Dhyana Mudra


Dhynana Mudra (the meditation seal) is done by placing the back of the right hand on the palm of the left hand with both hands resting in the lap. Notice, can you feel a sense of balance with your hands held together in this way? Through connecting the hands, this mudra coordinates the right and left hemispheres of the brain and unites all opposites.

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